Meet the Team
Our Team of experts will translate your genetic goals into a cost-effective tailored reproduction plan that bridges the gap between your genetic strategies and reproductive results.
General Manager

Rob Stables, DVM General Manager - Beef Reproduction Solutions Lead
Rob was raised with Purebred Aberdeen Angus in Saskatchewan and is where his interest in genetics and reproduction first started. After graduating from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 1996 he joined Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants for 8 years. In 2004, Rob and his wife Candy, bought Bow Valley Veterinary Clinic in Brooks, AB. Rob started offering embryo transfer services through the clinic with the volume growing each year. In 2009 Bow Valley Genetics (BVG) was formed and a donor facility was built near Bassano, AB. With the addition of the donor facility and owners use semen production the volume of work rapidly increased. In 2014 the Bull Stud was opened with the capacity to house 40 beef export bulls and has since expanded to house 80 bulls. In 2016 IVF services were added through Boviteq. Rob is a Past President of the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association. Outside of work his interests include cycling, reading, and options trading.
Genetic Solutions

Daryl Leppa Beef Genetic Solutions Lead
Daryl grew up in West Central Saskatchewan on a mixed farming operation consisting of a small purebred herd, a commercial herd, and a grain farm. Through his childhood years he was involved in 4H and various junior beef programs. Through the following years, Daryl was very fortunate to work for many astute cattlemen and beef leading operations across North America with show and sale preparation. In 2008, he took on a position at Six Mile Angus, a prominent purebred operation in Saskatchewan. There, his role involved many facets of the business, including show and sell cattle, marketing, and genetics. During the fall of 2015, Daryl’s career path brought him to the Bow Valley Genetics team. He started with the position of Sire Manager, then in 2019 he assumed the role of Reproductive Solutions Manager.

Lisa McCrea, DVM Veterinarian
Dr. Lisa McCrea is a veterinarian and the manager of the bovine department at Agwest Veterinary Group Ltd. She graduated from the Atlantic Veterinary College in 1998 and then spent the next ten years practicing in large animal clinics in Orangeville and Navan, Ontario where she specialized in dairy production medicine and reproduction. Dr. Lisa furthered her education in 2004 by completing the two-year Dairy Health Management Certificate Program at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph. In 2007 Dr. Lisa joined Agwest as a bovine veterinarian and business partner. Currently, Dr. Lisa specializes in Advanced Reproduction technologies including Embryo transfer and In Vitro Fertilization, Herd Production medicine, Calf Health Management and Nutrition, and Cow comfort and Lameness. Dr. Lisa is a director and vice-president of the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association, and a director of XLVets Canada and Proventus Agri Solutions. Most recently, Dr. Lisa has been appointed as the CVMA and practicing veterinarian representative to the Animal Care Technical Committee for Dairy Farmers of Canada ProAction.